Established in Guam in 2009, WPI is part of the WestCare Foundation, a national organization spanning 17 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau and Dominican Republic. WestCare Foundation and its family of non-profit affiliates began in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1973 as a small organization called Fitzsimmons House which was renamed WestCare in 1988. The initial program served men addicted to heroin and soon expanded to include services for men and women abusing alcohol and other drugs. Services and locations have continued to expand with much of this growth as a result of partnering with like-minded, community-oriented programs which focus on providing the highest level of service possible. Seeing the need throughout the Pacific region WPI established its location in the Republic of Palau 2015 where it continues to operate its youth prevention program.